kirby Cafe Reservation


kirby Cafe Reservation

As a devoted Kirby fan, when youre visiting Japan, dont miss the chance to experience the delightful Kirby Café in Tokyo, Osaka, or Hakata. Im excited to offer you an exclusive booking service, ensuring you secure a spot at these charming Kirby-themed cafés.

Feel free to reach out to me before making a reservation.

Service Overview

Personalized Reservations I will work with you to understand your preferences and make the best booking possible.

Reservation Details Needed


Number of guests

Primary contact persons name

Contact phone number

Email address

I will do my best to secure the ideal dining time for you, but availability is limited.

Booking Fee

$15 per person (Basic Service).

Please note: This service only guarantees your reservation at Kirby Café. The cost of meals and any additional expenses are not included in the booking fee.

Optionally connect your Discord to get exclusive accesss with your purchase.

Order Overview

    • 1x
      kirby Cafe Reservation
  • Subtotal
  • Total
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